North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting September 25, 2003
Daniel J. McGrane Residence
5244 3rd Ave So, Minneapolis, MN. 55419

Jeff Brunette, Tim Donakowski, Ray Guilmette, Ken Kerns, Irene Patrek, Janet Silsby, Brian Vetter and Dan McGrane.  Ray Guilmette, HPS President-elect and his wife, Pat, were guests.

Note:  A copy of the executive meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

Called to order at 7:15 P. M. by President Brian Vetter.

1.) April 24, 2002 Executive Council Meeting minutes were reviewed.  One typo was noted and changed and the minutes were approved.

2.) Dan McGrane presented Secretary-Treasurer's report.  It was accepted and approved.

Checkbook balance:  $3,220.00
Money Market fund:  $14,657.75
Total balance:  $17,877.75

Over 98% of the total membership dues for 2003 were received by the September 26, 2003 fall meeting.  This amounts to $1,180.00 in income.  Constant budget items are the $500.00 Science Teacher Award, the travel stipend of $300.00 (if the teacher comes to the meeting), the $500.00 Wissink memorial speaker expense and around $1,100.00 per meeting for lunches and breaks.

3.) There is no affiliate coordinator's report.  Dan will speak with Chris Kessler and have him generate a report.  There are 12 affiliates members.  We have not approved any new affiliates since the October 25, 2002 meeting.  Fall meeting sponsors are; ICN represented by Tom Chwierut and F & J Specialties and Hi-Q Environmental who both sent literature.  ICN sponsored at $150 level.  F & J Specialties & Hi-Q Environmental sponsored at the $100.00 level.  A copy of the Affiliate Member Report will be on file with the secretary/treasurer.

4.) Irene is applying for both Spring and Fall 2003meeting CE credits.  We typically receive 4.0 credits for each meeting.

5.) Brian Vetter et al will host our fall meeting at the Earle Brown Center on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota.  Irene Patrek reviewed the slate of speakers on the meeting agenda.  The meeting begins at 8:00 AM with registration and will conclude around 4:00 PM.  Tim Donakowski will complete the Newsletter write up for the meeting.

Old Business:

1.) Science and Education Committee:  We received two any applicants for the Science Teacher Award.  This year’s winner is, Wade Jepson of Southwest High School, Green Bay, WI.  Kimberly Knight is the NCC member who submitted Wade Jepson’s application.  The science department of Mr. Jepson’s school will received a $500.00 check and Mr. Jepson will receive awards from the chapter at next springs meeting.  His name will also be submitted to the HPS for National Award nomination.  Janet Silsby has done and excellent job of gathering information on local school district and or state education contacts, who to inform for teacher credits and how the various regions handle teacher credits for sessions such as our workshop.  Contact with local science teacher organizations is intermitted.

2.) Venues Committee (Ad Hoc):  Dan McGrane presented our proposal for hosting the national in St. Paul to the Venues committee at the national conference in July.  The Venues committee accepted our proposal but did not commit.  They asked us to conduct further research into utilizing Minneapolis again.  Jan is working on the details and we hope to meet with Sue Burk later this year and tour both sites before a final decision is made.

3.) Homeland Security Committee (Ad Hoc):  Ken Kerns, chair of the ad hoc homeland security committee continues to work closely with various emergency levels within the State of Iowa and is our representative for us in Iowa.  Brian is our chapter contact to the State of Minnesota.  Jim McCloskey’s role is the State of Minnesota contact with ‘federal’ Homeland Security.

4.) Chapter Council Meeting:  Dan McGrane attended as representative of the NCC.  Dr. Ken Kase, HPS President- Elect (at that time) presided over the meeting.  He made a point that chapters need to pay attention to the national by-laws and rules.  The committee read over rules 7.3 on Chapter Council and 10.1 on Chapters.  There are segments of both rules that we are not following but, for the most part, we are meeting requirements.  Ray Guilmette reiterated the importance of knowing the rules and that President Kase is into detail and proper management.

New Business:

1.) HPS Awards and Offices:  Steven Schultz, our Science Teacher Awardee from 2001 was honored with the national HPS Science Teacher award at the San Diego Conference in July.  Brian has prepared write-ups that will appear in the newsletter and in newspapers in Steve’s home.  Richard Vetter received the HPS Founders awards at the San Diego Conference.

2.) New Member Applications:  The executive council approved two new individual memberships received in the last six months.  The new members are; Mary Ellen Jafari, Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center, LaCrosse, WI. and Laurie W. Taylor, Health Protection Office, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

3.) Homeland Security and HDER:  Jim McClosky is our Minnesota representative for homeland security matters.  Ken and his ad hoc committee and the executive council continue to solicit NCC member in the other three states to become the Chapter contact with, ODP and the respective designated state authorities.

4.) The council reviewed recommendations from Mike Lewandowski on Chapter by-law amendments.  The council read and reviewed a number of suggested changes to our by-laws.  Following a good discussion Jeff motioned that the changes to the By-laws be accepted, Irene second and the council unanimously approved.  The By-law changes will be brought before the membership at the business meeting.

5.) Dan McGrane submitted budget numbers that show the rising cost of meeting rooms and food in relation to the meeting fees taken in for each meeting.  At the 03 Spring meeting, we took in $507.00 and spent $861.12 for a deficit of -$354.12.  At this Falls meeting (03) we will take in approximately $530.00 and will spend $1245.00 for a deficit of $715.00.  During the ensuing discussion, we debated raising membership fees, raising meeting fees and sponsor fees.  In the end, it was decided to raise meeting fees to the membership.  Jeff Brunette motioned, Ken Kerns second and the council unanimously voted to raise meeting fees to $15.00 at the door on the day of the meeting and $10.00 if pre-paid.  We left membership dues and sponsor fees alone for now.

6.) The location of the spring chapter meeting has not been determined.  Members of the executive committee will be soliciting the membership for a host location.

Other Business:

Ray Guilmette provided us with continued insight into the workings of the national HPS.  He pointed out the available “hyperlink” that each chapter can use by contacting the Webmaster.  Ray also spoke about the rules for chapters (10.1) and the need to review and follow them, to solicit continued help from the Science Teacher Workshop committee and to consider involvement in the “Radiation Safety Without Borders” initiative.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer

Executive Council Meeting Agenda
September 25, 2003
Chez McGrane
5244 3rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55419-1416

1. Call to order
2. Approve agenda
3. Review minutes of 25APR03 meeting.
4. Secretary/Treasurer Report
5. Affiliate Coordinator Report
6. CEC update
7. Fall Meeting details

Old Business

1. Science & Education Committee update
2. NCCHPS committee assignments
3. Other Old Business

New Business

1. Nominations for HPS awards and offices
2. New member applications
3. Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse Program
4. Spring meeting location
5. By-law update/review
6. Other New Business